#Metoo – voicing our perspective matters

Sexually-Harassing-1This week, following revelations of sexual harassment in Hollywood with movie maker mogul, Harvey Weinstein, women everywhere are bravely posting their voice as #metoo sexual harassment stories spread rapidly across the social media landscape.

YES #metoo it’s happened to me as I grew up trying to understand myself as a woman. I know those moments of learning (especially when naive and young) have occurred for so many females who have felt attacked verbally and sexually in their lives. For us, it stirs in our nurturing make-up and sensitivity that we feel harassed on many occasions from a pinch on the bottom to outright attack.

Yet it is more than #metoo – It happens also for gentle-men who feel that softer side of emotional intuition gets attacked by their macho brothers. I have been fortunate that I have never suffered any deeply vicious sexual attack on my person, yet I feel for all young girls and women who are sexually abused and attacked in our world. And there are many – and in countries we sometimes cannot reach – that are trapped by circumstances beyond their will. The feeling of sexual harassment becomes endemic through the little things as well as big issues that get left unsaid by women and unsettled between men and women. It’s also the subject of concern that wise men don’t stand up against men who attack women. How we females stand up for ourselves and clarify ‘yes’ or ‘no’ appropriately to attack and not be afraid, really does matter.

My personal passion is to create a new blueprint for unconditional acceptance and love for each other, between and within genders, sourcing the true empowerment of different gender dynamics characteristics. Unconditional mindful love is needed and the space in which to share freely and honestly how we feel. Over and above, I believe, we need to co-create a new awareness. I set my intention to spread ‘magical conversations’ to take root as a daily practice; where no judgments are made by men on women, and vice versa; where no anger or harsh or sexually harassing words are spoken, and all parties communicate and contribute with authentic truth of loving intentions.

I commit to helping men understand the complexities and variety of issues they now face when they work and co-exist with women in a transient competitive, mobile connected world. Women nowadays have male colleagues, brothers, uncles, fathers, sons, male friends and/or male lovers. Learning how to resolve and dissolve the endless negative stories women have of inappropriate gestures, words, actions and reactions – let alone vicious and malicious attacks, physical and verbal – urgently matters. I have worked for many years with women to share the same blueprint as I do now with men to embrace all types, in order that mutual magical conversations can arise and heal our world.

For harmony between us all, I am fortunate to be travelling this adventure with my soulmate wise man, James A. Omps and together with him we pledge to leave a legacy of love… #soulmatelove #magicalconversations #genderdynamics


Jim and Pauline Omps 2017



For news of upcoming programs for MEN ONLY and for WOMEN ONLY to explore a new blueprint, contact pauline@pauline-crawford-omps.com


Creating Magical Conversations

Power Struggle Between a Man and a Woman
Power Struggle Between a Man and a Woman

As time moves on in 2017, it becomes apparent that we’re still stuck in terms of men and women getting their act together at the top of the corporate world, the political world and many parts of our social and domestic world. There are good stories of collaboration and men and women co-creating amazing ventures together, of communities recognizing the value of women in the workplace and as leaders, yet these stories are shrouded by nasty stories of male rhetoric and vicious “put-downs” of women, and cries from women about bad behavior of men, especially prominent political figures. It’s time to stop this cycle of negativity, this struggle for power, life is a game not a battle field. It’s time to live life not kill ourselves with hate and fear.  It’s time both men and women recognized their ripples of magic before we all get sucked into  mayhem.

Let’s take business.  I hear so many stories still about how we should have more women at IMG_2253the top of business yet we don’t have the increase in numbers that is possible given the pool of educated talent available. We need to change the ‘track record’ of the criteria for women in the boardroom; and stop women still arguing the toss about whether if they had been in charge, the economic crisis would have not happened. I would like to focus on what we can do together to evolve a new ‘magical conversations’ between all parties in many diverse situations especially where we get stuck. We do this so that we can build a healthy, loving, energized and engaged thriving work and life culture, rather than keep on going over the past.

Our world is changing fast and today is no longer like yesterday so I believe it’s time to change the rules.  It is the “how’ that is our challenge!

This is the time to look outside the past restrictions which have stopped progress. Magical Conversations are not soft and fluffy. They are based on all parties being valued, all parties having an equal right to contribute and all parties understanding the ‘rules’. Ah ha you say – there are rules!  Yes simple and all-embracing. The rules are simple – no judgments, no anger, no restrictive behaviors, no outrageous or harmful img-20160731-wa0010behaviors allowed.  All must be heard, not all views are right, and not all views are wrong, but all views are considered on the table and no conclusions or decisions are made without consensus and at the very least a degree of observation, patience, perseverance and imagination.  So can you feel the magic? The magic is in the mix of contributors, the selection of topics, plus the agreed positive willingness, energy and commitment to mutually respectful outcomes.

Are people ready to shift their perspectives and be truly inclusive? Many factors come to bear but let me first focus on the gender divide and make it more dynamic and positively productive. Then magic may occur faster!

16939506_10154447883563099_4414038946700759001_nFor over 30 years I have addressed many lively groups; business men and women, many solo entrepreneurs, many corporate players, many owners of small successful businesses, and my theme is always generally about “Life, Love and Legacy” and my passion that we live a fulfilled life whether male or female, at home or at work.   My vision for my audiences to ‘take responsibility and ownership for your lives”. I am often asked by women how they can bring love and energy into their business existence and I suggest it is the only way to have a healthy existence. We need to attract wise men to live and work with us as business professionals, and also as mothers, sisters, friends, aunties, daughters and colleagues, as customers and suppliers, as multi-faceted, emotional, caring, intelligent, highly talented, visionary collaborators for today’s future.  Some men may never have been approached with this in business terms.  It’s down to us to stand by our true nature.

I believe if we all can take a wise stance, and for women to draw on our ancient wisdom, our natural strengths and attributes as females, be it of many different types and styles, generations and cultures across the world. Women can then embrace men and persuade, inform, influence and emerge new ways to work together.

cropped-img_02481.jpgMy wise advice to female audiences is consistent; let’s play our best card, draw the female baton and hand it on to other women around the world; use our whole brain, left and right, while recognizing the limitations, rules and regulations that have been placed on us can be changed.  Let yourself own the special place we’re now at and work together to give reasoned viewpoints as to why and how we change these rules.

Women have fantastic opportunities now to get involved in business, in politics, in social change and in determining our children’s future. Yes, it may be a long road of change, but it’s happening as we sleep, eat and go out to work day by day. More and more men and women want a more purposeful world, a world where work and life find a more compatible coalition. And magical conversations are occurring everywhere.img-20160324-wa0016

My questions to women (and those wise men who recognise our value) to ensure we come to together to progress our future in a sustainable and co-creative manner;

What part did women play in the design of our current world? What can women be responsible for in our conversations with women and with men?

What did each of us learn from our lives to date that give us skills that can play into business and enterprise and social change designed often by a male world and in many arenas of business for many hundreds of years?

How can we discuss, debate and declare our authentic advantage as women without threatening, fighting with or demoralising men?

And why will men listen and hear us in a way that extends an open hand of collaboration?

I am uplifted to meet more and more wise men and women, of all generations who think, feel and act in a space of conscious awareness of others and the community around them. I am being asked every week to bring these Magical Conversations into a wider arena and that I pledge to do through my programs, mentoring advice and facilitator development. I intend to set the ripple circling outwards and see how far the magic can reach.

Choice, Uncertainty and Love-Based Principles

selfpAs I present to audiences across the world, in the UK, in Europe, Asia Pacific and currently in the US, I notice variety, diversity, differences and similarities, and always magical happenings.  Yet today I find myself asking  “How, in our challenged world, do we each make the best choices using reasonable and unbiased observation?”   To help us in uncertainty, let’s use a good deal of common-sense, simplicity and love-based principles to guide us.

The world is simultaneously horrified, fascinated, thrilled, aghast, scared and amazed by choices made; Trump, Brexit, women marching enmasse, refugees fleeing and endless wars raging- and always the human rights of potentially marginalized minority groups high on everyone’s agenda. And yet so much more is occurring at an unconscious and far reaching depth that is both good and cleansing of our old stuck ways.  And it’s not all bad as so many think and fear. Of course, many don’t like uncertainty. IF we believe everything happens for a reason and nothing happens without connection to everything (as I do) then ‘hope springs eternal’ and we might accept that today ‘uncertainty is the root of all growth and possibilities’.

Man and woman

Change is always the current that flows and takes us forward. Time to be, to do, to think, to feel, to create differently and with compassion and understanding. The key to our future is, I believe, for men and women to truly value each other, understand the complementary nature of our contribution in any situation at work or at home, and co-create meaningful conversations, magical ones in deed. In these  conversations, we can share our views without blame nor calling people undesirable names. No judgments, no anger and no urgency to jump into action before we’re ready.  We may be diametrically opposed in our views yet in seeking common ground that is inclusive of all needs, we can all come to mutually beneficial outcomes. This is, by its nature, full of common sense and setting the intention that all needs can be met to some degree.  Conversation, compassion, an intentional perseverance and a deep wish to serve are essential. This forms a Magical Conversation.

By listening to hear rather than knee jerk reactions to respond, we can more easily be inclusive of the many layers of difference – culture, generation, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and disability – and embrace a calmly connected world rather than feeling caught up in every personal issue. Listen with smiles and compassion. We need to look beyond the ‘news reports’ and the media hype and, where you are uncertain of opinion makers, be your own wisdom and share with care!

Men and 21768350_1649050675125429_1170612401738849083_nwomen co-own this planet and the responsibility lies with us all. Let’s communicate from our heartfelt choices and common-sense heads, astute men and wise women alike, in true magical conversation style and allow the future to unfold without anger.  Time to co-create this love-based, healthy happy world one day at a time….do join me and my husband, Jim, to serve and embed a life legacy to “leave the world a better place for having been here”!


E-Book Pre-order available on The Gender Dynamics of Love – Who’s in Charge? 

Contact pauline@pauline-crawford-omps.com

Changing the RULES OF THE GAME…


Pauline Crawford leads the conversation at London Conference July 8th 2016

The field upon which the game of life – in all of its incarnations – is played out has been much maligned for some years now. Much is debated by diverse groups that we need to level or change the playing field. To allow us to move forward on this often heated debate concerning the rise of women now pursuing careers to senior roles and/or running their own businesses, please note that the playing field of business is constantly evolving and impacting lifestyles in commercial, social and domestic arenas. Please note also that the current playing field of business is usually adequate enough for the game but maybe not entirely welcoming to all players. Often we don’t notice the change and the debate focuses on the surface requirements and not the rules of the game. It would be wise now to look below the surface and engage all players to understand that the rules of the game have been found badly in need of revision and updating.

To that end we suggest that the rules of the game cited above should be amended. For starters, let us suggest that whatever the current norm is for the rules occurring at this moment in time, it must reasonably be preceded by a minimum of three additional rules. For example:

Rule 1 – Anybody who wants to play the game and is qualified to do so will be granted the opportunity to play regardless of any other factors including – but not necessarily limited to – ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, generation and/or gender.

Rule 2 – When on the field, each player will participate with the full approval, cooperation and support of all others on the field i.e. the organization and/or individual they represent as well as other team members, associates, family members and customers.

Rule 3 – Any differences of opinion, challenges, disagreements, questions and disputes will be resolved and/or otherwise settled by referring to Rule 1.

It should be clear to every person participating in commerce – be it in such areas as business, law, education, public or private service – regardless of which side of the gender fence you find yourself on – that these three simple amendments to the RULES OF THE GAME are a good beginning. There are doubtless many additional amendments and additional rules that come to mind, but at least this is a start.

Note – when men and women co-create the rules today, it is important to value gender dynamics and the essential differences not just between men and women, but between women and between men, in alignment with the market shifts and new working patterns we see due to technology, globalization and the empowerment of women at work.

When regarding a full range of professional, social and domestic life as factors for success, the game calls on all players to contribute the co-creation of any new rules. In today’s world, a shift to a gender-balanced perspective is a key component of success. It is imperative in today’s chaotic world, that men and women invite each other to co-create the rules of the game not merely for themselves but for generations to come.

Authors – Dr James Omps and Dr Pauline Crawford

1-156 (2)Co-creators of a new blueprint, Gender Dynamics©, and upcoming book “Who’s in Charge?” these two experienced international educators herald a new era of conversation. “The time has come to sit around the table, co-create and design a new conversation, a magical conversation, for real-time, real-world needs” they suggest.  Essential to the success of such a conversation about new rules is the understanding that when men and women of many different gender-dynamics styles and diverse backgrounds, get together and value each person’s contribution without judgement (Rule 1, 2 and 3) they are the best mix for productive and sustainable results.